Quad build.

After some testrides, heavy testrides, on road, off road I am satisfied with the result of the chain guide of the rear chains. Emiel has 2 chain rollers that are mounted via a swingarm. I have opted for a fixed setup, the chain rollers are adjustable via a slotted hole so that I can tighten the chain if necessary. Now, however, another problem has arisen. The rear pillow block bearings are self-adjusting, but that's not so nice for the driven rear wheels. The wheel axles become crooked/slanted, causing the tracking of the wheels is no longer correct. We therefore decided to replace the pillow block bearings with solid blocks. Thanks to Maddox, aluminum ash blocks are now available. These will be delivered soon, made in China.
Increasing the distance between the bearings for the rear axles would increase rigidity. With them being close any give or bending in the mounting of those bearings will have a large effect on the orientation of the wheel.
Increasing the distance between the bearings for the rear axles would increase rigidity. With them being close any give or bending in the mounting of those bearings will have a large effect on the orientation of the wheel.

It are cheap blocks so that is also a thing that made it weaker.
The new blocks have the bearings wider from each other and it is stronger.
This is our first 4 wheel project, I have quite a bit of knowledge when it comes to steering geometry. It's basically the same as a car, but less crudely built. And then there is quite a lot involved to keep the whole thing in the right adjustment. But, actually, we haven't had many isues. And because we had a lot of rain here the last few months, we agree, mudguards are allowed to build them.
Increasing the distance between the bearings for the rear axles would increase rigidity. With them being close any give or bending in the mounting of those bearings will have a large effect on the orientation of the wheel.
This depends on various factors, axle thickness, chosen materials, the supported axle part. And then we have the drive chain that, pulls, on the axles. It is precisely by opting for a fixed set-up that the camber will improve drastically. The chain line will also become tighter. I really count everything in order to obtain the best possible end result.And sometimes it can be better. But the most important, have fun on a homebuilded project. And we have a lot of fun and then, after a short time, the great fun from use those quads for off roading.
It is a time ago i posted something, but here the latest updates.

I started with the camper part that comes on the back of my quad.

The wheel arches have 1 side of wood because they are thinner and I have more width between the wheels for my mattress.




Sanded the wheel arches. Not all openings are filled yet, but that will come to the end.


The back wall with the door.


The front with the plate that folds out, so that I have enough space to lie in it.


Opening for the skylight. I already have a skylight. There is a fan and lighting. I make a fan adjustable and I replace lighting with ARGB LEDs that work with WLED.


With roof and skylight on it. Black block where about the window.


Back wall with door. Above half can still be removed, otherwise I will not get it out at all. Door is only in basic form. There is also a window. Do some work in the front tomorrow. Close that side and make the construction what the fabric comes from the folding part.

Still a lot of work to do and hopefully the weather will get better soon, so that I can work with fiberglass and epoxy.
Cabinets also come in. I already have an idea how I want it. Order some material for it soon.
I am very curious how the superstructure will look on the quad bike Emiel. Quite a few hours of work also go into the construction. No repairing bikes this week so more time to do something else. As you know, I'm still working on the alu seat. And the weekend I'm going to the hardware store.
The same here. I can't wait for it to finish. I do as much as possible now, so I don't have to do much more later.

next week plexiglass, wood and order polycarbonate. Plexiglas in black as doors for the cupboards and the polycarbonate in gray transparent in the windows.

Also order the legs for the quad. Then the mounting points can be put on.

I still have to call the tent maker to ask what it costs for the front. If that is too expensive, I order thicker fabric and let Barbara make it. Want gray or black. I make the quad gloss black. Seems nice with the diamond plate.

Do you have a date you are hoping to be taking this rig on an adventure ?

I do have a pass out to come to the Netherlands this year , to turn up at Geerts in MY pedal car would be novel ! however as you can see from my thread it is NOT going well.

Also it would be nice to visit Maddox in my quest to be the person on the forum who has met the most Zombies in the flesh !!!

Hi Paul.

I still have a lot to do to get it off, but I'm doing everything I can to finish it for May.
In May I have a caravan meeting in Germany and in mid-August in the Netherlands.

would be nice to see you again and hopefully for a longer time.

I saw that you still have a lot of work to do. You have a nice diff by the way.
There is a lot of time in all those little things. You do not see the progress as you see it when you put a frame together.

I want to try to finish the basics next week. So cupboards in it, I think tent cloth will come a week later, but that is not in a hurry. I want to start sanding and filling the following week. Then secure the edges with fiberglass where possible.
Then we have to wait for better weather. Then I can put it all together outside and cover all walls with epoxy and fiberglass. Then cover the inside with felt and paint the outside. But this will take a few more weeks.
The windows came in today.
Smoky gray.
2 side and one door window.



Now i am standing the top of the roof.
I will finish that tonight. Tomorrow evening will i start with puting glasfiber ad the roof edge. As that is dry, i will start doing the inside.
Then the cupboards can be put in and I will start with half. First sand and then fiber in it. I hope that everything is finished in the coming 2 weeks. Then I hope that the weather is better and that I can make the halves on top of each other, put the last bit on the inside and make the tent part on it.

Hopefully I will finish everything in May.
Worked with Geert on the quads yesterday. Chain now remains on it.
Today behind Werder was killed and went from a 25 to a 20t. This is to get more speed and lower consumption. But the result was not as I expected. Speed went up a bit, but not much. In terms of consumption, 100W was added. So tomorrow I'll put it back to the 25t. Tomorrow the 44T will also be replaced by a 53T. Then I can keep up with stairs.

Furthermore, some off-road. marshy area and he went through without difficulty. hardly gave any speed.
pull up like crazy. You are the first to go and you have to pay attention when someone is standing in front of you, because you drive over it.😂

Sharp bend the wheel slips on the inside, but does not get off the ground. Very stable and does not roll. He's in the corners, but that's it.

Tomorrow put the bearing blocks on the back, put 25t back, 53t for adjustment and adjust the steering wheel, Fenders in the frontthe frame And Ad Battery Mounts. Then I think I'm done with.
Everything works well and I have a spare chain for the engine.

Remains, the bin on the back and spray. Of course also a roof, but that will come later. I hope when I added the camper part.
Just ordered extra glasfiber, so i can work this week further with the camper part. Hopefully soon better weather, so i can finish it.

Even though I would have preferred the speed on the road a bit higher, very satisfied. Mountains will not be a problem and with the 2 batteries, I will soon be able to drive far, also on the throttle.
took a short drive today. We were supposed to ride longer, but problems with my chain meant we had to turn back.

I don't have the bearing blocks on it yet. I'll put that up tomorrow. the chain was also not straight and my rear wheel was crooked, because of what we use now.

straightened the wheel and then it was solved. Tomorrow I'll put the bearing blocks on and that problem will be completely solved.

motorcycle chain stretches. I'll put a thicker one on it tomorrow. it also stretches a bit, but hopefully it stays that way and doesn't break. otherwise I'm going to put 2 next to each other.

furthermore, my handlebars bent downwards at extreme inclines. it was not welded properly because it was done temporarily. that is now well established.

Geert's chain guide was too low and has now been removed. chain was shortened a bit and now it is fine again.

some more testing. drove quite a bit in mud and water. went well and the slope test also went very well. the quad has a lot of power and pulls through and up everywhere.

some more testing with wattage. He uses cruise control when driving straight ahead, between 300 and 350w. depends on the surface. then I drive around 20kmh. the quad doesn't go much faster either. but at half throttle it is a lot more economical. I can stay below 200w while pedaling. I still have to adjust my stride sensor. when the box is on it will be around 350w. then I will be able to drive around 90 to 100 km. With the other battery, I can easily get double that. in the mountains 140 to 160km. that is more than enough and I assume an average of 15kmh.




Still some problems. The other side broke today, but all other changes are made.
We will make the front good and other time.
Now first some other things.

My rear is fixed and good now. Only the motor chain is something i need to change. Maybe ad a second one, but first testing.
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