If I am forced by age, infirmity, madness etc. to electrify the Catweazle then there needs to be a place for the controls.
This is typically just the "head-unit" with the display and the "keyboard" both normally located on the handle bars(road bike) or somewhere else "handy" on a recumbent. Usually things are not at the right angle position for easy use. On the Tadpole I have to lean all the way forward to the controls located on a fixture on the keel.
I want to be able to do all this from my laid-back sitting position instead. I looked at the clamped-on bar ends that the mirrors are inserted into, but they are not long/wide enough (if you see what I mean).
Simplest answer: Let Lathe-Boy out of the box and gimp-suit and let him have a go.
Now on a recent visit, Paul (aka Stormbird) donated some soiled
underpants Nylon round bar that was 32mm diameter.
Without any regard for anyone's feelings Lathe boy hacked a portion off and started to molest it.
Before you could say "What on earth do you think you are doing?" he had only gone and turned it down and stuffed it in a bar-end.
He popped a 7mm hole through it end to end and then cut a 22mm hole at right-angles through the top.
Before I could apprehend him and get him under some restraint he had whipped out an old handle bar and shoved it through to check how well it fitted.
He had the sheer effrontery to tell
me that I should cut the shank of the nylon insert at 60° and cut a pocket for an M6 nut in the lower part. He says that the finished item can then operate like a gooseneck in a headset. The cheek of him! I think he needs to get a visit from Marcellus Wallace and be put back in his place.
But it might work, you never know.