The problem with ALL recumbents is the chassis has it's members used as beams. A typical diamond frame bike has all the forces going along the tubes length where they are strongest. Our chassis by necessity have forces accross the tube. That is why we use steel. It has the necessary flex to give and then recover from those forces.
That doesn't mean carbon can't be used but carbon tubes will not have strength in the right direction. You will need to design a frame that allows you to make strong box sections plus allows you to mount on or bond in metal parts for the headtubes, steering pivot and rear wheel dropouts plus the bottom bracket. It can be done as a google search will show but designing then making the chassis moulds and then the chassis os no simple task. The chassis has to be designed to work AND designed to be able to be made. With steel a mistake is easy to alter, not so easy with carbon. It's a difficult job unless you deal with grp and carbon mouldings on a regular basis.